Written blog post

The crew made the right decision in leaving Mark, there was a big storm that hit and essentially, they had no other choice. Their choices were either to leave Mark, who they thought was dead, or keep searching for his body and risk being stranded on a different planet with limited supplies and dying themselves. If I were in that situation I would make the same decision. It is better if one person is left behind rather than a group of people, yes people would mourn, and guilt would somewhat be present in each person there, but that is a risk they make with having a career such as that of an astronaut. Also, if I were in Mark’s situation, stranded and presumed dead, I would want the crew to leave. I would be a little hurt that they left and would curse their name a little, but ultimately it would be better for everyone else aboard the ship. However, I do not really think me being stranded on Mars would even be a possibility but being stranded in a desert or in a storm somewhere would be more plausible. Also, I have no situations such as that, or even an analogy in my life that somewhat resembles this situation. So, the decision the crew made was what was right for them in the long run, they just felt bad once they realized he was alive. 


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