Who knew potatoes, duct tape, and ‘70s reruns were the key to space survival? How does each of these items represent aspects of Mark's character that help him survive?

When watney had figured out that he had a low supply on food for himself to last him for more than a few years he had so many thoughts going through his mind about how he was going to make his own food. When he announced in one of his soul recordings that he majored in botany that’s when I knew he could make his own food. How he was going to make it I was still confused about. When watney started to explain how he was going to make the food and what he was going to do it started to make a little since. Knowing that he is still motivated to make his own food and did not give up while he was on mars tells many things about his character. Shows that Watney is self-motivated and it takes a lot for him to give up on something. He is very determined to stay alive until he was able to receive help on the next mission which was a long time from where he was. He uses the potatoes as the food supply and planted the potatoes in the ground and he would use that for his food. With the duct tape he uses that duct tape to seal up a air leak that was making the MAV hard to breath in. The duct tape came in handy when he really needed it. And the ‘70s reruns where honestly the only thing that was keeping him and his right mind. It was Watney only source of entertainment, even though that not he what he prefers that’s was of course the only thing that he had to watch.


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