Do you believe the crew did the right thing in abandoning the search for Mark? Was there an alternative?

During the tragedy of the Martian when the dust storm was approaching, numerous things were taking place. Decisions had to be made which the crew members did not want to make. When the team was making their way back to Hermes, one of the crew members (mark Watney) was hit by some of the equipment that was flying in the storm. The object that hit him caused him to stray away from the team which made it hard to find him. The chief of the crew members told the team to head to the Hermes while she searched for Watney a little longer. She was interrupted when one of the crew members told her the Hermes was going to tip soon from the storm if she did not come now. She had to make a hasty decision on whether if she wanted to leave Watney behind. Before she could make her own decision, her crew member shouted in her speaker that’s in her helmet again saying she needs to get back now. She had no choice but to walk back to the Hermes ship and take off. I believe that now that was the right thing to do. Because like it was stated in the book not only would Watney be considered dead but also the captain. The crew members did not want to take that big of a risk, so she just went back. After the dust Storm and Watney is alive you can clearly see that there was another option then taking off and leaving him behind. The crew could have stood by in the MAV during the storm because the MAV was able to with stand the storm and still fully work.


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